Mario Hains

Album Photos de Mario Hains

Membre depuis le 05 Juin 2013
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Pond and river of Stoke - Stoke, Canada
Voir la photo 1035
Colorful place, Brompton, borough of the city of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Voir la photo 912
Storm, Brompton, Quebec, Canada
Voir la photo 721
Old abandoned house in Ascot Corner, Estrie region of Quebec, Canada
Voir la photo 1577
After the rain, Brompton, Canada
Voir la photo 549
The ancient pavillion of France at the Universal Exhibition held in 1967 became the Casino de Montréal, located on the Île Notre-Dame in Montreal
Voir la photo 21674
Historic place, Brompton, to remember catholic action. This cross with the anchor of the ancient steamer who travelled Sherbrooke to go via Quebec
Voir la photo 11337
Brompton Landscape, view of Brompton town, Quebec, Canada, looking East from the West hill
Voir la photo 14457
The home place of the first mayor of Sherbrooke, southeastern Quebec, Canada. This house was built 1853.
Voir la photo 13102
Sunset at Champlain lake (French: lac Champlain), picture taken in august 1980 in the middle of Lake Champlain, partially situated across the Canada – United States border in the Canadian province of Quebec.
Voir la photo 21323