Temple Nguyen Huu Canh, Nguyen Huu Canh statue

The statue of Nguyen Huu Canh at Nguyen Huu Canh Temple, Cu Lao Quarter, Bien Hoa city. Lễ Thành Hầu Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh or Nguyễn Hữu Kính was a general of Lord Nguyễn Phúc Chu. He is considered the one who established territorial sovereignty for Vietnam in Saigon and Gia Dinh regions in 1698. From that time, these regions officially became part of Vietnam. In 1698, Canh was sent by Nguyen Phuc Chu to the south. He founded Gia Dinh garrison there. He called on people from many place in Central Vietnam to settle in these regions and ordered the building of roads, canals, markets. Saigon was turned into a busy port city since then.

Membre depuis le 10 Novembre 2009
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