Tochal, Mount Tochal

Mount Tochal in the Alborz range and adjacent to metropolitan Tehran, hosting the Tochal Ski Resort and many peaks accessible from the Tochal main ridge as: Lavarak (3560m) and Bazarak (3753m), accessible by main Tochal ridge or Imamzade Davood climbing path; Palang-chal (3520m), accessible from Darakeh valley and Palangchal Shelter; Sar-Bazarak (3640m), accessible from Palangchal peak and main Tochal ridge; Shah-Neshin (3875m), accessible from Tochal main ridge, Hezarcham path and south (Abshar-Dogholoo) ridge; Tochal (3965m), The highest peak of the range; Spilit (3120m), through Band-yakh-chal and Shervin hut by rock climbing or Klakchal ridge; West Lezon (3585m), accessible from Tochal main ridge, Kolakchal shelter or Shirpala shelter; East Lezon or Piaz-chal (3540m), accessible from Tochal main ridge, Kolakchal shelter or Shirpala shelter; Kolak-chal (3300m), from Kolakchal shelter (through Golab-dareh valley, Vezbad valley or Jamshidieh park); Siah-band (3320m), from Dar-abad valley and Dar-abad hut.

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