
Album Photos de Pita

Membre depuis le 11 Février 2007
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Fraumünster church in Zurich, Switzerland
Voir la photo 22820
Trams in Zürich and Zürich center, largest city Switzerland
Voir la photo 22531
Zurich Hauptbahnhof (Zurich's main train station), Switzerland
Voir la photo 19217
View of Zürich, Limmat river and St. Peter church, Switzerland
Voir la photo 14176
Panoramic sight of Prague from Prague Castle, Czech Republic (Czech: Česká republika)
Voir la photo 21064
St Vitus Cathedral, Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic
Voir la photo 23003
Prague rooftops on a cloudy day, Prague, Czech Republic
Voir la photo 11859
View of Charles Bridge from Vltava river bank, Prague
Voir la photo 13975
Rooftops and street of Prague, capital of Czech Republic
Voir la photo 16001
Rooftops of Prague and Prague Castle (Czech: Pražský hrad), Czech Republic
Voir la photo 11374
Charles Bridge and Prague Old Town, Vltava river and the Žižkov Television Tower on the backgound, Prague
Voir la photo 11466
Walking street, old town of Prague, Czech Republic
Voir la photo 15853
Jan Hus statue, Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic
Voir la photo 10874
Church of Our Lady in front of Týn (in Czech Chrám Panny Marie před Týnem, Týnský chrám or just Týn) from Old Town Square in Prague
Voir la photo 12903
The Prague Astronomical Clock or Prague Orloj (Czech: Pražský orloj) is a medieval astronomical clock located in Prague, capital of Czech Republic
Voir la photo 11972
The Prague Astronomical Clock and Church of Our Lady in front of Týn (in Czech Chrám Panny Marie před Týnem, Týnský chrám or just Týn) in Prague
Voir la photo 12046
Architechture of a typical street in Prague, Czech Republic
Voir la photo 17054
Statues of the Church of the Holy Savior in Prague
Voir la photo 8168
Charles Bridge (Czech: Karlův) is a famous historical bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic
Voir la photo 14681
Façade of the Church of the Holy Savior in Prague
Voir la photo 9810
View of Prague Castle (Czech: Pražský hrad) from Vltava river, Prague, Czech Republic
Voir la photo 11846
Vltava river bank (Moldau in German, Moldva in Hungarian), Prague
Voir la photo 11010
Pedestrian bridge called Charles IV bridge and old town end of the King Charles bridge, Prague, Czech Republic
Voir la photo 18688
Casa Batlló, local name: Casa dels ossos (house of bones), Eixample district of Barcelona
Voir la photo 12598