
Album Photos de Phan

Membre depuis le 10 Novembre 2009
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Hang Pagoda is one of the most famous ancient pagoda in both Kien Giang and Viet Nam before reaching Phu Tu Islet Resort, which was discovered in the early 18th century. There is a busy business area in front of the gate of Hang Pagoda. Behind the pagoda gate, there is a yard spreading to the foot of An Hai mountain. We will see a rather wide cave with 40m in length. This is a natural cave of limestone mountain which was eroded thousands of years ago. There are a lot of Buddhist statues in the pagoda, especially two Buddhas which have been locating for more than 300 years. Every year, a festival is solemnly held from 8th April to 15th April of lunar year in Hang Pagoda.
Voir la photo 2138
Phu Tu Islet, which lies more than 100m offshore, is considered to be a symbol of Ha Tien. For tourists coming to Ha Tien, it is a magnet. Phu Tu Islet is a beautiful natural sculpture of rocks. It is known in English as the Father and Son rocks and they are seen about a hundred meters from the shore of Ha Tien. Although it is not the biggest attraction here, Phu Tu Islet does offer a great view. It is also a great place to take a postcard picture to remember your trip to Ha Tien. Both Hang Pagoda and Phu Tu Islet are famous landscapes of Kien Giang, Vietnam.
Voir la photo 1890
Phu Tu Islet is considered as the most famous landscape in Ha Tien, a town of Kien Giang province. According to fable, in the old day, in this coast there was a beast which often overturned the boats to eat the fishermen. At that time there was a fisherman living with his son beside the foot of An Hai mountain, next to Hang pagoda. The father was very angry and decided to kill this rude monster. One day he poisoned himself and lied near the marine edge to lure the beast. Seeing the man, the beast ate his head at once, then died because of the poison from the fisherman’s head. The son didn’t see his father so he went to many places to find his dad. Seeing his father’s body without head on the beach, he embraced the body and cried distressfully. Unfortunately, the poison from his father’s body permeated to his and then he died because of poison ,too. After the rain stopped, the inhabitants saw two stones, a big one and small one, right the place where the father and his son had lied. It was said that the big one was the father and another was his son. Then these stones were called Phu Tu Islet. In Vietnamese “ Phu” means “ a father” and “ Tu” means “ a child”.
Voir la photo 1964
Mui Nai beach is belonging to Mui Nai Tourist Park (older name Lộc Trĩ Thôn Cư). From the far view, Mui Nai beach looks like an innocent deer looking to the sea, hinds the 100m-mountain with an old lighthouse was built from the XIX century.
Voir la photo 1623
Entrance leading to Mui Nai Tourist Park, a famous resort in Kien Giang province (another name Loc Tri) with a long circle clean sand beach and fresh water and offshore is a beautiful sight harbour.
Voir la photo 1549
Nui Den resort is about 1km from Mui Nai Tourist Park. Nui Den (Núi Đèn or Núi Đèn Rọi) includes 2 mounts: 131m- Big Mount (Núi Đèn Lớn) and 117m- Small Mount (Núi Đèn Nhỏ).
Voir la photo 1484
Nui Den Mountain (Núi Đèn or Núi Đèn Rọi) is about 1km from Mui Nai beach. Nui Den Mountain includes 2 mounts: 131m- Big Mount (Núi Đèn Lớn) and 117m- Small Mount (Núi Đèn Nhỏ).
Voir la photo 1072
Da Dung Mountain (Núi Đá Dựng) or another name Chau Nham Son (Châu Nham Sơn) is located in My Duc precint, Ha Tien town, Vietnam, near the border with Cambodia. The mountain has abrupt slopes with many caves and tunnels inside, suitable for exploring.
Voir la photo 1531
Mui Nai is a beautiful beach of Ha Tien, Kien Giang province, Viet nam. Its older name is Loc Tri (LỘc Trĩ Thôn Cư) with a long circle clean sand beach and fresh water and the offshore is a beautiful sight habour.
Voir la photo 1249
Thach Dong mountain (Núi Thạch Động) is located on National 80, My Duc precint, Ha Tien, Vietnam. From the far view, Thach Dong looks like a cavalry feather hat, so the French calls it “Bonnet à poil”.
Voir la photo 1204
The gate leading to Thach Dong mountain (Núi Thạch Động), My Duc precint, Ha Tien town, Viet nam. Thach Dong is one huge stone with 98m hight, in French is Bonnet à Poll. Inside the stone has a lot of caves and stalacties.
Voir la photo 1463
The Memmory Stone located in front of Thach Dong's entrance, to memmorize the death of 130 Vietnamese people by the Khmer rouge on March, 1978. Ha Tien, Vietnam.
Voir la photo 1045
View of the Central Roundabout of Ha Tien town, Kien Giang province, Vetnam
Voir la photo 1049
View of the commercial center at the Central Roundabout of Ha Tien town, Kien Giang province, Vetnam
Voir la photo 1153
View of the facade of To Chau Market of Ha Tien town, Kien Giang province, Vietnam
Voir la photo 1101
Ha Tien Market is a place where visitors can go shopping with many many products from VietNam, Thailand and Cambodia. There are a lot of fruits such as durian, palmyra, coconut, etc and many kinds of special dried fishes.
Voir la photo 1061
View of private houses and mini hotels in Ha Tien, Vietnam. There are several pubs serving guests near the market and downtown, Ha Tien, Viet Nam.
Voir la photo 986
The area of the swamp is 1.400ha, which has many kinds of animals, bird and brine trees. It will become the most largest brine water resort in Cuu Long delta. Dong Ho swamp is encompassed by mountains and rivers: Ngu Ho mountain (núi Ngũ Hổ) from the right, To Chau mountain (núi Tô Châu) from the left, Giang Thanh river (sông Giang Thành) from the east and Ha Tien river (sông Hà Tiên) from the west.
Voir la photo 1205
Hà Tiên or Ha Tien is a town of Kien Giang Province, south western province of Vietnam. The town borders Cambodia to the west. From this photo we can see the Hatien International Border Gate. Ha Tien is a popular tourist site of the region thanks to its beautiful beaches and landscapes.
Voir la photo 1028
Ha Tien is a town located at 90km northwestern Kien Giang terrain is bumble with many hills and mountains emerge in the northeast coastal field of Kien Luong, near the 8,8km long border of Cambodia. From To Chau mountain we can see the town and Dong Ho lake.
Voir la photo 1020
Ha Tien town located northwest of Kien Giang province, bordering the eastern and southern Kien Luong district, west of West Sea, the northern borders Campuchia. Ha Tien has long been popular with many beautiful landscapes attract many visitors for it. View of the town with some mini hotels along the Dong Ho lake (or Phá Hà Tiên).
Voir la photo 994
View of the Town of Ha Tien from To Chau mountain, Ha Tien Vietnam
Voir la photo 1030
The Floating Restaurant anchoring along Dong Ho Lake, Ha Tien town, Vietnam
Voir la photo 1169
View of the To Chau bridge leading to Ha Tien Town, Kien Giang province, Vietnam
Voir la photo 1031