Monastère de Voronet, Voronet Monastery

The tomb of the monastery's first abbot, Saint Daniil the Hermit, is found at the monastery. Voroneţ is one of the most famous painted moldavian monastery in Romania, located in Bucovina, near Gura Humorului town. The church was built by Stephen The Great, in 1488 in less than four months, on a triconch plan (with three apses), with a chancel, a naos with its tower, and a pronaos. The small windows, their rectangular frames of crossed rods and the receding pointed or shouldered arches of the interior doorframes are Gothic. The exterior walls - including a representation of the Last Judgment on the west wall - were painted in 1547 with a background of vivid cerulean blue. This blue is so vibrant that art historians refer to Voroneţ blue the same way they do Titian red. Often known as the 'Sistine Chapel of the East', the frescos at Voroneţ feature an intense shade of blue known in Romania as 'Voroneţ blue'.

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